After a great run on Saturday with my new half marathon training group, a great group that I look forward to getting to know the day only improved with the arrival of our two grandchildren, Sally 3 and Tommy 8 months coming by for an over night stay. Off to the playground at West County Mall, what fun! Home for dinner, off to bed what a great Saturday!
At least until about 10 when Susan got reallllllly sick. I fled the bedroom in an attempt to avoid infection. Sunday morning brought her no relief. Grampy has never dealt with both grand kids solo. Getting them up, diaper changed, breakfast eaten, dog walked. I must admit, I relied on the TV for some babysitting. Matthew rescued me by coming to pick them up before lunch so I could help care for Susan. Another night on the sofa, yes I am going to avoid this sickness!!!
3 AM, guess what? Yes you're right my turn! I didn't suffer nearly as much as Susan and thank goodness it passed in 24 hours. But it meant no run Sunday, Monday or Tuesday so Wednesday I was off to Fleet Feet for the Social Run, my first in Fenton.
Let me preview this story with another. When our boys were running cross country for Parkway West every year they gave the Lost Steer Award for those runners who missed turns on the course, Kevin and Matthew won a couple of times.
I planned on a nice easy 5 miler went out, was quickly left behind by the leaders but they had great turn by turn directions. Too bad I ran past a turn. By the time it was obvious I had blown it I knew there were extra miles in this run for me. Thank goodness I had my iPhone and could use my mapping program to get back. So my nice easy 5 miler was more like 7 with a couple of extra hills. Thats 1 Lost Steer Award for Eric! What a way to come off of the flu.
See you in Chesterfield tomorrow, I know that course :))