Thursday, January 27, 2011

Qualify Grampy Qualify-Part XXI- DOLDRUMS BEGONE

Last time I promised to finish my discussion of being in the doldrums and how I got out of them and got closer to that 'cheeseburger in paradise'. Before I begin I realize that in any other sport it would have been simply called a slump, but as I have mentioned we endurance runners are a bit wacko so of course I had to go with "Doldrums", oh well what can I say?

So, what did I do to get out of the doldrums? The first step was simply to embrace them and take a couple of days off. A bit of extra rest, sipping hot chocolate in front of a nice warm fire, watching a couple of James Bond movies will cure nearly any ill. But also during that downtime I took the opportunity to look back at a a couple of posts that I wrote last summer.

Last August, Kristen, one of my coachs ask: "What motivates you? Why do you run?" In my August 6th post I made an effort to answer that question. It really boiled down to running to stay healthy and to be challenged to do something that fewer than 2% of people ever attempt.

Then the end of August (8/30/10), after a couple of incidents which referred to my age, I posted my thoughts on aging and why I run. I am not attempting to stop aging, I just want to do it well. You are welcome to cruise down to those posts to read them (just go to the bottom and click on "older posts").

Re-reading those posts served to remind me just why I do this, why running is important to me. That helped considerably. Then Brandi, another of my coaches sent an email that was perfectly timed. In that e-mail she referred to advice from Andy Sipka and she related his comments to running, this advice bears repeating so here it is:

Take What the Day Gives You- If you're off, accept it and make the best of it. It was easy to win tennis matches when I was on my game. You have to learn to win when your game is off. The same thing in running. When your off and you are not hitting your pace or you hurt, find a way to make the best of it. Sometimes that is just finishing. Don't be afraid to walk if needed.

Mind flooding - When those negative thoughts get into your head, have a mantra to use like counting, repeat a motivation phrase, or sing a song in your head, (sing out loud if you can sing), honor someone and repeat it. In tennis as well as for running, focus on your breathing. Breathe in and out to your cadence rhythm. (Like the Karate Kid.) Most of you already know I use music to zone out. The worse I feel, the louder the volume.

Focus ahead - Focusing ahead could be the runner in front of you or some land mark. Make it feel like there is a rope between you and the land mark and your pulling the rope in. Focusing ahead will also keep good running posture. Do not look down, fight the urge.

Visual Imagery - When your feeling down, imagine a great moment in life, run, or event. Or think about what it will be like to finish our upcoming marathon with your goal on the clock. Think about the smile you will have on your face.

Think about your family and friends. When people ask me about the marathon, I tell them finishing a marathon is like getting a gold medal at the Olympics or winning the world series. Watch other sports and memorize the great joy on the athletes face. There has been many big smiles to see at this years Wimbledon tennis tournament. If it brings a tear to your eye that's OK. There is nothing better.

Create Support - Let people know what your goals are. You will be surprise the support you get. If you are running in a group let them know how you are doing. We are there for you. We are there to push you and to carry you.

Brandi closed with this suggestion:

"One thing that I would like to add is to think back to day 1. You were excited, you were nervous, you were ready. We are all training for different reasons, yet we all have a similar goal. If you need a little pick me up, talk to you new running friends. "Friends made in the FLEET FEET Training Team run deep." (pun intended)."

Good coaches seem to have a knack of knowing the right thing to say or the right questions to ask at just the right time. Brandi & Kristen are great coaches!

So in closing:

Have I mentioned that really do not like winter?
Have I mentioned that I really do not like running in the cold and dark?
Have I mentioned that I really do not like running in the snow?
Have I mentioned that I really do not like running stuffed like a sausage into multiple layers of technical fabric?
Have I mentioned that I really do not like running with a runny nose?
Have I mentioned that I really do not like running while drinking cold slushy water?

Have I mentioned how much I love feeling the joy that comes with running?
Have I mentioned how much I love the challenge of working toward a goal?
Have I mentioned how much I love crossing that finish line?
Have I mentioned how much I love the camaraderie of a training team?
Have I mentioned how much I love helping other runners accomplish their goals?
Have I mentioned how much I love running?

Begone damn doldrums, begone.
I'm going for a run!

Until next time,
aka RunGrampyRun

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