Forgive me followers for I have not written, it has been over 1 month since posting. Wait a minute, this isn't confession and I'm not Catholic.....forget it.
My mother used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. It's not that I haven't had nice things to say, I just haven't had much to write about that wasn't simply boring. So here is a quick update:
Today I broke the 500 mile mark for the year. I have logged a total of 20 hours of running since my qualification adventure began. I am running 4 days a week and am just now feeling like I am able to resume cross training. My ribs, while still tender at times seem to be 90+% healed. Everything I read said it would take 6 weeks and last weekend was # 6.
I am having a great time with my pace group team, everyone is simply great. We are still working on a team name but it may become "The No Passing Zone" because a when Mary & Andrea get talking, their pace picks up to "lip speed" and off they go.
This Saturday we will run an unofficial half marathon (13.1 miles) at our "Race Pace". I doubt there will be much talking going on. This is to allow everyone to judge their progress and gain confidence that running the long run pace actually does help prepare us for the race. I'll have chocolate milk for my group at the finish!! Yes, for you non-runners, chocolate milk is nearly a perfect recovery food. It has carbs, protein and fat, all needed for recovery. The only more perfect recovery food would be a McDonald's ice cream cone :))))))
The heat and humidity this summer has been unbelievable. We has a bit of a respite last week but it is back today with a heat index of 97F. Someone mentioned that 2009 we only had 1 week in the 90's. We've been there most of this spring and summer!!
So that's the update, more later.
aka "RunGrampyRun"
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