Yesterday I shared with you the questions that Coach Kristen and Wife Susan posed to me:
Kristen asked: "So what motivates you?
Don't take this question lightly, as the answer may be the one thing that sets you apart from the non-runners in your life and keeps you moving, one step at a time, towards one great big goal."
And Susan's questions were: "Why do you run in this heat?" and "Why do you have to run so far?"
My immediate response was that I honestly did't know. And had I really thought of that when I set my goal of qualifying for Boston and all the sub-goals attached to that. I wasn't really sure how to answer either question.
Those questions could not have come at a better time. My little 'incident' on Tuesday evening managed to shake me up a bit and filled my aching head with my own questions. Questions like: "Aren't you too old to be doing this?" or "Do I really need to go to these extremes, wouldn't running a couple of miles a day do just fine?" or "Am I really "freakn' crazy?", as some of my non-running friends have suggested?"
Fortunately, as the various pains began to subside from my head-first dive into the sidewalk so also have my doubts begun to subside:
I run, not because of what is called the "runner's high", personally I don't believe that I have ever experienced it. I only begin to feel good, after the run. As they say, it feels so good when the pain stops.
I run to stay in shape and to hopefully manage to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle as my years advance. As I was showering the morning after my fall, thoughts of quiting entered my mind. Suddenly visions of my siblings came to mind. I am the only one within 20 pounds of a healthy weight. My younger brother has diabetes my my older brother has had 6 heart attacks. I know that if it wasn't for Susan's help and encouragement in maintaining a healthy diet and regular doctor visits that I would not nearly in as good a condition as I am. Oh sure, I have had health challenges, cancer surgery then 10 years later radiation treatments for re-occurrence. A couple of bouts of bronchitis, post surgery infection yeah yeah yeah ... those only served to motivate me.
None of this explains why I do distance running. Heck, I could run 4 or 5 miles several times a week and probably maintain my health just as well. Frankly, 5k even 10k runs bore me. At this stage I am simply not motivated to run shorter distances. There is only one short run each year that I look forward to and find challenging. Every October I run the Chesterfield Pumpkin Run 5k, it is my "speed" race. I try to run absolutely as fast as I can with the goal of winning my age group (so far 2nd is my best finish).
While it seems like "everyone" is running marathons these days ... that is not the case. It is still an exclusive club. There just aren't that many people who are willing to spend the time, effort and energy to train for and complete 26.2 miles. When our training group is running and we pass or meet a half marathon group we often hear whispered: "Those are the marathoners!" I find this challenging and motivating and that keeps me interested and excited about running every day that a run is on the calendar.
My Boston goal is the same, a great challenge for me to run faster than I ever have for each and every mile of the 26.2. Accomplishing that goal admits me to an even more exclusive club, that of "Boston Qualifier".
My LONG term goal of running Chicago in 2025 with my granddaughter Sally (Yes, only if she wants to be a marathoner) was envisioned only one week after finding out that my cancer had returned. It is my way of saying to Sally and now to Tommy that they are so important to me that I want to do everything I can to be a healthy and active Grampy.
I'm confident that as the years pass I'll set other running goals. How about "ULTRAGRAMPY" or "IRONGRAMPY", talk about freakn' crazy! SHHHH don't mention that to Susan!
So Kristen, what is going up on my mirror? Two simple words: "HEALTH and FAMILY"
Thank you both.
Until next week,
aka RunGrampyRun
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