Tuesday, July 20, 2010

QualifyGrampyQualify Part VI 7/20/10

Extra rest was on the schedule for after our pseudo half and that is exactly what I did. As it turned out, I rested to the extreme. I took Sunday and Monday off to rest, then between getting ready for vacation with the yard, then packing on Thursday and traveling on Friday I didn’t run all week.

Michigan, was cooler but not by much. The humidity was still high. Saturday I set out on what was to be a 10 mile run, about 3 miles into the run my path merged with an ongoing 10k race. I looked a bit odd running with my water bottles. I merged into the front third of the race and just for fun, began pacing with the group. Four miles later as we neared the finish I turned off the course and resumed my long run pace. With the increased pace I shortened my run to about 8 miles.

Sunday I did some strength training and a bit of hill work. There is an asphalt path from the top of the bluff down to the beach. It is about ¼ mile long and an 8-10% grade. As I ran my repeats I could hear thunder in the distance and see a storm moving in across Lake Michigan. I finished my 6th repeat and decided that it was time to head for shelter. By the time I got back to the condo we were hit with a downpour and 60 mph winds. Thirty minutes later the sky cleared and we had a beautiful sunset.

Monday I set off again. The course I run follows a bluff high above Lake Michigan and offers a beautiful view of the lake. At one point there is a footbridge that goes down the bluff and crosses the railroad tracks. There are about 10 switchbacks that allow you to descend the 300 feet down the bluff to lake level. Coming back up the bridge is the beginning of mile 6 of my run.

Another humid day and for the first time in summer running I needed my Nipguards. Coincidentally, and also for the first time, it was off with my shirt to avoid getting too sore. Naked Joe I now know how great if feels! This has been a year for firsts, my first time running in a singlet, which Susan thought was TME (Too Much Eric), now shirtless.....hmmmmm where oh where could this be leading? Watching my pace more carefully I ran the full 10 miles and felt great, new shoes helped my feet and legs, much less tired.

This was mile 10.000000000001

On my running course I pass a frozen yogurt stand a couple of times. If a McDoald's Ice Cream Cone is great for a post run recovery, why not mid-run also? So, after climbing up the bridge, I stopped and had a cone. Here was this really sweaty guy, carrying this funny looking fanny pack with a bright blue hose around his waist, digging into the pack to pull out a sweaty bill to pay for an ice cream cone. No wonder she looked at me as an oddity! I can assure you though, it is very easy to get a brain freeze when you're that hot. I can also tell you that even though it may have been simply mental, I felt great the remainder of the run!

Tuesday, our last full day one the lake and my last run. It felt great, I trimmed a few seconds off and still felt like it was an easy 8 on a cloudy humid day. (And yes the shirt came off for the second half :)).

Wednesday it was off for Chicago in the morning to meet some friends for lunch then head back to St. Louis. I had hoped to get home in time for a quick run to loosen up the "car muscles". That didn't happen. We arrived in the East St. Louis area just after the 55 viaduct flooded. We were only 3 miles from the next exit and it took 2 hours to get to it and head back north to I270. The normal 5 hour drive took 8, no run for me!

Thursday was speed work night. As usual I ran from home the 2-1/2 miles to the track. We did 12 400 yard repeats on a very hot July evening. As I started home I could really feel the heat and my legs got weaker and weaker. Rather than injure myself or get ill I called for Susan to pick my up cutting a mile of my 8 mile plan. Funny thing was, as soon as I got off the phone I felt better and began to run again. When I got in the car, Susan asked why I was running so fast. Another proof that this can be a very mental sport!

Saturday, I was back with my marathon training team, running 10 miles on a nice shady and level course. It was still hot but very bearable. Lot's of hydration and a chocolate milk at the end and I felt great! Mileage will begin to increase substaintially now, a minimum for 20 mid-week miles and 14 miles next Saturday. Nutrition will now become more and more important as we deplete our glycogen stores.

More next week,
aka RunGrampyRun

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